

We have included some links to various pages that we feel are valuable sources of information for anyone looking to have a renewable energy system in their home. These pages have been very helpful to us in setting up our system and we hope that you find them useful and informative as well.
Hugh Piggott’s web site has been an invaluable source of information for us as we have been putting our system together over the past few years. Not only with help on the building of turbines, but lot’s of other good stuff as well. Hugh has a lot of really interesting links on his site as well that contain all kinds of interesting stuff related to renewable energy systems.
Homepower magazine has been a huge help to us in the past several years. There are amazing do-it-yourself articles showing real people setting up renewable energy systems in real home situations. They share things that they have found that have saved them money in setting up their systems and everything is explained in great detail. All of the advertising is for renewable energy related stuff and there are links and web sites galore to check out!
This is an excellent web site with all kinds of information about all kinds of renewable energy stuff. These guys know their stuff!
This is a renewable energy discussion board. It has been very interesting and helpful. People ask all kinds of questions related to setting up renewable energy systems. Everything from turbine building to tower construction to all the electronic components that go along with the systems. There is information about almost anything that you might want to know about renewable energy. The people who answer the questions on this board are very knowledgeable and they try to steer people in the right direction.
CMS Magnetics is a company located in Texas where we have been purchasing our magnets for the past few years. Jeff Lee, manager of the company, is great to deal with. They have the best prices that we have found and their service is fast and friendly! We recommend them to everyone who asks!
Whole Village Farm – on November 4th 2006, we had our first one day workshop here. We were very happy with how it turned out. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and a ton of really great information was exchanged! Jean-Marc, William, Mark and Kris are involved in a really interesting and unique community just north of Toronto called Whole Village Farm. It’s a co-operative, ecologically and environmentally friendly farm where everyone works together for the benefit of the whole community. They grow their own food and sell what they can’t use to neighbouring communities. All of the people who attended the workshop either live at the farm or helped to build their new co-operative housing unit at the farm. For more information on this project, check it out at
Russet House Farm – Alan has been building a wind turbine here for the past few months. Alan belongs to a group of people who own a co-op type of farm near Toronto where they hold education workshops and seminars to teach people about sustainable living. For more information, check out their web site at :